A new book for professionals working in early childhood education

Kuvassa neljä samanlaista kirjaa pöydällä vierekkäin. Kirjat ovat tässä tiedotteessa mainittu uusi teos Inclusive Education Through the Creative Arts in the Early Years. / The image shows four identical books side by side on a table. The books title is "Inclusive Education Through the Creative Arts in the Early Years".

How can arts-related activities provide opportunities for participation, expression, community and consideration of each child’s individual abilities and needs?  

These are among the themes discussed in the new book Inclusive Education Through the Creative Arts in the Early Years.  Constructing a creative pedagogical environment that respects the artistic expression of each child, relies on the professional thinking and actions of those working in early childhood education.

The book explores issues such as inclusion, respect, learning and equality in early childhood education in the light of theory, research and practical examples and facilitates pedagogical reflection. Chapters delve into the unique potential of different art forms to be used in inclusive education. Arts related experiences and activities provide rich possibilities for inclusive education practice and therefore this book is a valuable resource for all professionals working in early childhood education as well as for students in their educational journey.

The book can be ordered directly from the publisher and is also available in well-stocked bookshops.

Niland, A., Huhtinen-Hildén, L. & Cologon, K. (Eds) (2024). Inclusive Education Through the Creative Arts in the Early Years, London: Sage.