
Cultural wellbeing research and education centre CuWeRE

CuWeRE develops and renews the multidisciplinary field related to creativity, arts, health and wellbeing in Finland. The Centre is focused on advancing the research-basis for the field and quality of higher education.

CuWeRE was established by the Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and the University of Jyväskylä in 2023.

CuWeRE focuses on

Developing more meaningful cultural wellbeing field in Finland and beyond.

Conducting research and advancing the quality of (higher) education through research.

Gathering researchers and specialists to international and domestic seminars and conferences.

Education in and through BA, MA, Doctoral studies, CPD-courses.

Strengthening collaboration and analytical use of research-base to support policymaking and collaboration with all stakeholders.

What is Cultural Wellbeing?

What is cultural well-being?

CuWeRE promotes cultural well-being in communities and society from a holistic perspective. By consciously paying attention to the perspectives of creative and artistic activity and expression in everyday life, opportunity is given for new ways of being, community, and experiences of becoming part in something bigger. (Huhtinen-Hildén 2023.)

Cultural wellbeing in society

Sustainable ways of living require finding meaning in life and building well-being on intangible resources. Society needs to invest in trust between people, find ways to bring people together and focus on the meaning of life. In this way, chains leading to exclusions and many types of illbeing can be prevented and a prosperous and communal society can be built. Despite extensive research, the experiential and creative side of people, as well as the well-being and resilience they enable, are often overlooked when making demanding societal decisions. We want to create a multidisciplinary society-permeating cultural well-being field that draws from knowledge and research-based understanding.


Kaksi lasta soittamassa lyömäsoittimilla. Toinen katsoo kameraan utelias hymy kasvoillaan. Two children playing percussions. One of children looks at the camera with a curious smile on his face.


CuWeRE Newsletter 3/2024 (September)

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Kuvassa neljä samanlaista kirjaa pöydällä vierekkäin. Kirjat ovat tässä tiedotteessa mainittu uusi teos Inclusive Education Through the Creative Arts in the Early Years. / The image shows four identical books side by side on a table. The books title is "Inclusive Education Through the Creative Arts in the Early Years".


A new book for professionals working in early childhood education

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Kuvituskuva, jossa naishahmosta puolivartalokuva, päällä villapaita, käsi lantiolla. Kuvan päällä teksti LUOVUUS.


Landscapes of Possibilities October 2-3,2024 – registration is open

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CuWeRE Newsletter 2/2024 (May)

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CuWeRE collaborates with the Royal College of Music and ShareMusic and Performing Arts organization from Sweden

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Sininen puhekupla, jossa lukee Blogi: Korkeapainetta, näkökulmia kulttuurihyvinvoinnin edistämiseen.


Blog: From takers to givers with different abilities

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Kuusi opiskelijaa istuu lattialla ja keskustelevat sekä tekevät muistiinpanoja. Lattialla muistiinpanovälineitä, taustalla tussitaulu, jossa opintoihin liittyviä ohjeita.


Enroll Creativity, Health and Well-being (10 ECTS) Studies in Open University of Metropolia UAS

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Kuva, jossa eri ikäisiä ihmisiä heittelee monivärisiä silkkihuiveja. Kuvituskuva.


CuWeRE Newsletter 1/2024 (April)

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Open lecture 23.4.2024: Social sustainability and cultural wellbeing

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New Master´s Theses from Cultural Wellbeing field

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Valokuva, jossa opiskelijoita istuu katsomassa henkilöä, joka pitää puhetta ja esittelee dioja.


Register before the 1th of December! Presentation Event of Master’s Theses in Creativity and Arts in Social and Health Fields Degree Programme on 8th of December

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Registration for the Mahdollisuuksien maisemia event is open!

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CRASH study trip to Malmö and Copenhagen – visiting organisations doing outreach work

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