Laura Huhtinen-Hildén as the keynote speaker at the #ShareSymposium in Stockholm

Auditorium. one person talkin in the front, behind is screen with picture of four hands.

Laura Huhtinen-Hildén, principal lecturer and researcher from CuWeRE, had a keynote speech at the ShareSymposium organised by Share Music & Performing Arts in collaboration with Royal College of Music, Stockholm.

The #ShareSymposium event 17.10.2024 brought together researchers, pedagogues and students interested in inclusive music education and instrument tuition. The topic of the keynote was Music, Mattering and Meaning – Navigating in Pedagogical Pathways. Huhtinen-Hildén discussed the potential of music education in advancing experiences of meaningfulness and inclusion as well as their contribution to societal wellbeing. 

Henkilö seisoo, takana laajakangas jossa lukee Meningsfullt liv genom musiken/Person standin and behid is the screen which says Meningsfullt liv genom musiken
Laura Huhtinen-Hildén’s keynote speech at the #ShareSymposium in Stockholm October 17, 2024. Photo: ShareMusic & Performing Arts.

Share Music & Performing Arts´ symposium #ShareSymposium – heldag om inkludering och ensemblespelin program (at ShareMusics webpage).

Laura Huhtinen-Hildén’s LinkedIn profile (LinkedIn).  

Main photo: Laura Huhtinen-Hildén at the #ShareSymposium in Stockholm October 17, 2024. Photo: ShareMusic & Performing Arts.