Invitation to Research

Kuusi opiskelijaa istuu lattialla ja keskustelevat sekä tekevät muistiinpanoja. Lattialla muistiinpanovälineitä, taustalla tussitaulu, jossa opintoihin liittyviä ohjeita.

Contribute your valuable input and help develop the cultural well-being field and its education to better respond to emerging skill needs in the workplace!

We are conducting research interviews to explore the experiences related to learning and professional narrative development in the emerging cultural well-being field, and are inviting all graduates of the Creativity and Arts in Social and Health Fields (CRASH) Master’s degree to take part.

The invitation to take part in this study is for CRASH degree graduates, those who have already completed their studies or are set to graduate in 2024. Research data will be collected through interviews.

Participating in the interview provides an opportunity to reflect on one’s professional skills and thinking. Participation in the research is voluntary and will be done with written consent. Participants will not be compensated for their involvement.

Contact for more information:

Principal Researcher Laura Huhtinen-Hildén ( Upon registering, you will receive more information about the research objectives, implementation, and ethics.