Presentation Event of Master’s Theses in Creativity and Arts in Social and Health Fields Degree Programme 8th of December

Fri 8.12. at 916
Location Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu, Myllypuron kampus
Registration Form to the Event In this open event, the graduating students from the multidisciplinary Master’s Degree Programme Creativity and Arts in Social and Health Fields (CRASH) are presenting their finalised Master’s theses. The event is open to the public and located in Metropolia’s Myllypuro campus (Myllypurosali) in Helsinki on the 8th of December 2023 from 9 AM to 4 PM. The event is particularly recommended to professionals and students in the fields of social and health, culture, arts and education.
What is the CRASH master’s degree programme?
Creativity and Arts in Social and Health Fields (CRASH) is a multidisciplinary degree programme aimed at professionals in the fields of culture, arts, social and health fields. The students from different professions and educational backgrounds are studying together. The aim of the CRASH program is to strengthen the professional competencies needed when promoting health, well-being, inclusion and a sense of community in society through creativity and arts. Upon graduation, students are able to reflect in a variety of ways on the importance of creativity in human life and to reconstruct working practices from this perspective. The studies are designed to combine expertise from different fields locally and internationally, as well as to strengthen multidisciplinary and international collaboration skills of professionals. As part of their Master’s theses, the students are required to develop their area of professional expertise in an innovative way.
Programme of the event
Coffee & networking 9–9.15am Opening words and a performance 9.15–9.30am Maj Ilola: Improving Accessibility and Inclusion of Hybrid Events with People with Disabilities 9.30–10.10am Break Minttu Ågren & Heli Suoninen: TruthStory: A study of the empowering elements of a creative storytelling project for gender diverse people 10.25–11.05am Hanne Aura: ”For once we are asked” – Professionals’ perspectives on the reality of elderly care in intensive assisted living and institutional care facilities 11.05am–11.45pm Discussion regarding the morning session 15min Lunch break Jonna Kultanen: Smiles for the Future – Preventative Oral Health Promotion with Arts-based Approaches for Preschool Children 1–1.40pm Vera Bäckman: Embodied practices in developing empathy skills of social services students 1.40–2.20pm Break Marjo Smolander: Development of non-language-based musical activities to support newly arrived migrant children’s musical participation in school life 2.30–3.05pm Discussion regarding the afternoon session 15min The event ends at 4pm
For arrangements, registration is required before 1th December 2023. Link to the registration form The event is organised in collaboration with the Cultural Wellbeing Research and Education Centre (CuWeRE)